Monday, January 8, 2007

Werewolves and Aliens, Oh MY

At this point in our story, I found out that you can only have about 100 pics in the storytelling folder at a time. After that the game just doesn't save your pictures. So it's a little bare, but there was only one major thing I missed. I made up for it though.

Okay, so to catch you up on the missing pics: Tanu becomes an adult and gets bit by the werewolf. More happened but quite frankly I can't remember what is was. There weren't any more deaths. Tanu, I told you I'd get you a hot outfit.

So Tanu, decides she no longer wants to be a werewolf.

And she's back to normal.

Remember the host that got away from our BBQ? She's back for dessert. I love the fact that she's thinking bad thoughts about Bryant while he's finishing her off. lol

44 gravestones here and Preston's Platinum one is around the corner. I started having a lot of problems with my lot at during the NPC wars. I stopped all pet gens and called for them all to be put up for adoption. Still, I was told no one could move onto the lot because I had a pregnant pet. I reloaded the game many times trying to get it to work. I had a few other glitches that I can't remember.

Instead of moving the NPC's onto the lot, my sims would make friends with them, invite them over, stand by the cowplants and "Call Over", then let nature take it's course. And it always did. NPC's must have a sweet tooth. I had two cowplants and this made those NPC deaths really slow as it takes 12 hours after a cowplant eats someone for them to get hungry again. That's why the Wellington's had an NPC BBQ!

AND the entire household drank so many sims that the ages are all screwed up. Zakkary turned to teen before the BBQ, but the picture didn't keep because of the game folder being too full. Even now, he is at the VERY beginning of his teen years. Tanu is now older than Bryant. It's all very confusing. I'm probably going to age Bryant up to elder to sort it all out and Zakkary will be leaving for college very early, lol.

LOL, sorry, I love speech bubbles. Obviously he got abducted.

So I moved all the graves, except family ones, to a community lot and my sims found a new house.

Very pretty house, very hard to actually play in. Time to move again.

I spent a lot of time creating a Community graveyard, this is the beginning of the Veronaville Cemetary. I didn't use any CC if anyone would like a copy of it. I'm not sure what happens with the tombstones, although I do know I've downloaded residental lots that have had them on an it was fine.

Little Jan Wellington is born.

Don't you love how the three of you got my Screwed Up Sims points for me?

And finally the house they are going to stay in. Notice the cats are back. That's all four female cats that made up my last four Generations, as well as a male kitten I decided to adopt to make Gen. 5.

This is another lot I created. I used SO much CC in it that there's no way I can upload it. It's now fully furnished and absolutely gorgeous. I may do a pictorial tour later, I've been tabbing out and giving my daughter virtual walkthroughs all weekend, rofl. I even made my DH sit through one. lol It's absolutely HUGE, with six bathrooms and twice as many rooms but in a nice square layout that's very easy to play. Definately the best house I've ever created. I usually don't like my creations.

1 comment:

javajan32 said...

Sorry you lost your pictures. :-(

Poor Tanu werewolf.

Sorry for all the trouble you had. Lots of ghosts can be trouble for a game. Glad you got is fixed.