Monday, January 8, 2007

The College Years

Generation 2 - Bryant Preston Wellington: In Serious Need of a Nose Job

Bryant claims his door after a quick hair cut that still didn't help to improve his facial features. (I learned last round that teens can NOT use the Show Business career reward)

Bryant finds his true love and future mate, let's hope her nose is smaller!

Her excitement over the engagement ring, is nothing compared to my happiness over her small nose. Hopefully HERS will pass onto the next generation!

She says yes with a big hug and we zoom in to further inspect her nose.

Those are the only pictures I took during University. He earned gold badges for Robotics, Floristry and Toymaking (although they still only count as 1 point). He didn't add any other points at that time.

1 comment:

javajan32 said...

I hope you send all of your offspring to UNI.

Can't wait to see the nose of the next generaion. ROFL I hope it is a HUGE one.